Distance != Quality



After noticing some traffic to my previous post came from some google searches, I decided to search for these terms which brought me to the "I Like Fast Internet blog" at https://www.fastinternetblog.uk, specifically this post on "Investigating Internet speeds in Guernsey"

So it appears I'm not the only one having woes. But the engineer at C&W blaming the quality of my line, then this blogs mention of distances from the exchange made me wonder. So did some investigation of my own....

So, I spoke to a good Friend of mine that used to work at Guernsey Telecoms, who told me where my St Martin's Exchange would be (Opposite Vets for Pets at the edge of St Martins Village) and some quick trickery in Google Maps to plug everything in, and Ta-dah!

I am a mere 1.8 km from the exchange, and it is dead straight. As I said in my previous post, I always had very good connection speeds with the previous upgrades, and it is just this single 8Mb upgrade that seems to have knobbled my speeds

So, the fact I'm a 5-minute drive from the exchange, and I am capped at 4.5Mb. I dread to think what some people out in St Peter's must be on.

And whoever writes the Villocq blog: I would be very interested to know which exchange you use? And also remind you to count yourself lucky you haven't had to have been capped by C&W just yet, due to your connection not being able to hold its own for more than a few minutes.